path: root/app/sketches
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-03-03got rid of old sketches modelluxagraf
2018-07-11fixed small import bug in sketchesluxagraf
2018-07-07added campsite model, refactored some code to avoid circular imports,luxagraf
2018-07-04fixed a lingering url syntax errorluxagraf
2018-02-24added util function import to sketchesluxagraf
2018-02-08added a manytomany for sketches in jrnlluxagraf
2018-02-06converted to new path url structure and updated pagination to handle it.luxagraf
2018-02-05abstracted the next prev links into utils so now they work for everyluxagraf
2018-02-03fixed build bugluxagraf
2018-02-03fixed some admin bugs with sketchesluxagraf
2018-02-03finished up notes app and made it liveluxagraf
2018-02-02fixed import errorluxagraf
2018-02-02moar bugsluxagraf
2018-02-02Moar bugsluxagraf
2018-02-01added sketches modelluxagraf