path: root/app/trading/migrations
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-28added a backup of old pages that are no longer liveluxagraf
2022-01-06trad: started on simpler forms for updates and added profit to tablelxf
2022-01-04trad: rolled in latest db changeslxf
2022-01-03trad: new options tracker that works better for WON systemlxf
2021-08-17trad: fixed all the profit loss calcs for putsluxagraf
2021-07-27trad: added closing price to options tradesluxagraf
2021-07-21trad: added price calulatorluxagraf
2021-07-20trad: added options tracking and calculatorluxagraf
2021-07-16trad: dded monthly p/l generating functionluxagraf
2021-07-15trad: added migrationsluxagraf
2021-07-15trad: added migrationluxagraf
2021-07-14trading: added trading to toolsetluxagraf