path: root/design
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-11-06moved design to bak because I don't need to access it muchlxf
2021-11-06moved templates to top level directorylxf
2021-10-29base: brought range back into the main menulxf
2021-10-18bumped stylesheet to v11 and went back to pure CSS.lxf
2021-09-12posts: fixed another bug in essay templateluxagraf
2021-09-12posts: redirecting old jrnl/feed.xml to feed.xmlluxagraf
2021-09-12general: pulled range from templatesluxagraf
2021-04-22fixed double image insert on page and got rid of productsluxagraf
2021-04-03jrnl: fixed a bug in detail templateluxagraf
2021-04-03books: fixed a bug in template and added a conditional for the affiliateluxagraf
2021-03-24lttr: migrated to new post -> lttr -> send system.luxagraf
2021-03-21src: added signup form to individual postsluxagraf
2021-03-21lttr: removed /newsletter/ from the url path.luxagraf
2021-03-06added signup to bottom of Range detail pagesluxagraf
2021-02-22js: moved janky button code to seperate fileluxagraf
2021-02-22js: eliminated more inline jsluxagraf
2021-02-22css: had to change method of hiding honeypot now that I am using CSPluxagraf
2021-02-22html: optimized html and css to decrease load timesluxagraf
2021-02-13src: dusted off RSS feed by popular demandluxagraf
2021-02-12templates: fixed some bugs with comment postingluxagraf
2021-01-30lttr: fixed some bugs in range template and the insert video codeluxagraf
2021-01-30admin: fixed a js bug. god i hate js.luxagraf
2021-01-30admin: fixed a typo in insert_imagesluxagraf
2021-01-30lttr: changed video insert function to include a link to youtubeluxagraf
2021-01-30lttr: Humanized the exif data a bitluxagraf
2021-01-30lttr: fixed some styling issues on Range archive pagesluxagraf
2021-01-30lttr: added new design for Range signup page and added to main menuluxagraf
2021-01-16design: moved old sass files to 'old'luxagraf
2021-01-16css: fixed comments css to add more spacing between entry text andluxagraf
2021-01-15css: added styles for circle image on about pageluxagraf
2021-01-15fixed a bug in comment form stylesluxagraf
2021-01-15Proj: Massive design overhaul to simplify codeluxagraf
2021-01-04streamlined admin for imageslxf
2020-12-23added related posts to srclxf
2020-12-21fixed URL path in templatelxf
2020-12-21fixed a bug in templatelxf
2020-12-21fixed email featured image templatelxf
2020-12-21fixed some small tweaks in stylesheet and lttr templatelxf
2020-12-20fixed some things with guideslxf
2020-12-04fixed syntax errors in image templatesluxagraf
2020-12-04fixed some admin image bugsluxagraf
2020-12-04fixed a bug in image save signalluxagraf
2020-12-02fixed the bug for real this timeluxagraf
2020-12-02fixed a bug with admin inserts. i thinkluxagraf
2020-12-02fixed admin image insert bugluxagraf
2020-12-02fixed some bugs in templates and renderingluxagraf
2020-12-02fixed a bug in image archive templateluxagraf
2020-12-02ready to get rid of photos model for media modelluxagraf
2020-11-19fixed comment spam loop so redirects to homepage.luxagraf
2020-11-19fixed view bug in essaysluxagraf