path: root/templates
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-12-10jrnl: added id to images so I can link to them.luxagraf
2022-10-25added a link to the code pageluxagraf
2022-09-05essays: cleaned up templates, fixed some stray bugsluxagraf
2022-08-28range: fixed some issues in subscribe templateluxagraf
2022-02-14lib: got rid of all ifequal in templatesluxagraf
2022-01-29main: added js to change the slogan to safety third on odd dayslxf
2022-01-21changed top level menu againlxf
2021-12-06admn: ended up reverting changes, problem was in bookmarkletlxf
2021-12-06admn: fixing link saver scriptlxf
2021-11-06moved templates to top level directorylxf
2012-09-22site reorgluxagraf
2011-08-16cleaned up html in archives, eliminated some nav and section tagsluxagraf
2011-08-16basic outline of guide structure and templateluxagraf
2011-06-16created models, db and url structure for new guides sectionluxagraf
2011-06-14tweaked entry template to handle widont edge case of two word titles in doubl...luxagraf
2011-05-19added pubdate attribute totime element, added time element to photos pageluxagraf
2011-05-19fixed bug in link syncing script and added new lens info to flickr import scr...luxagraf
2011-05-18fixed some small css bugs, aligned next prev links in the middle, etcluxagraf
2011-05-17added longer meta desc to about pageluxagraf
2011-05-10Merge branch 'master' of
2011-05-10fixed path to compressed natparks.jsluxagraf
2011-05-10bug fixes for map and build scriptsluxagraf
2011-05-10file cleanupluxagraf
2011-05-10fixed ie css bugsluxagraf
2011-05-09updated styles and templates for revamped designluxagraf
2011-04-05fixed image sprties, updated photo gallery codeand changed contact/about pagesluxagraf
2011-04-03got rid of disqus comments cause I just dont careluxagraf
2011-04-03rewrote photo pages and stylesheets to get rid of slideshow and use pictory s...luxagraf
2011-04-02updated urls and photo templateluxagraf
2011-03-27removed remain references to django tagging and replaced with taggit (faster,...luxagraf
2011-03-04rewrote blog.entry based on django-debug-toolbar profiling to cut down on dat...luxagraf
2011-02-23removed hgroup tag from header due to Firefox 3.6 bug with HTML5 elements wra...luxagraf
2011-02-23added comments to the code pageluxagraf
2011-02-23reverted to separate ie stylesheetluxagraf
2011-02-23reverted to separate ie stylesheetluxagraf
2011-02-23reverted to separate ie stylesheetluxagraf
2011-02-23fixed bugsluxagraf
2011-02-23got rid of more buttons on projects pageluxagraf
2011-02-23added a code section to the projects for sharing some browser extensions I de...luxagraf
2011-01-23added image dimensions and fixed css bugsluxagraf
2011-01-22added js to deal with IE and @media queriesluxagraf
2011-01-20fixed home page recent entries css and styled two column permalink pagesluxagraf
2011-01-20moved template build files to bin folder and updated file paths throughout appsluxagraf
2011-01-20fixed paths in cron script and bugs in blog models, got rid of flatpagesluxagraf
2011-01-20Merge branch 'master' of
2011-01-20started work on nat parks proj css, plus changed GA scriptsluxagraf
2011-01-14reworking the mobile stylesheetluxagraf
2011-01-14reworking the mobile stylesheetluxagraf
2011-01-13revamped templates, added ARIA roles, meta geo dataluxagraf
2010-11-30added styles for writing, photo and map archive pagesluxagraf