path: root/work-misc/sifterapp/streamlining-issue-benefits.txt
blob: 969ed8ba28359a6fb69c7f83999a314839fe1d04 (plain)
When it comes to workflows complexity is bad. We've written previously about how we've streamlined the issue workflow by creating simple forms and eliminated confusing, distracting elements you don't need.

The purpose of any filing system is to translate noise into signal. Perhaps surprisingly, one of the best ways to do that is to keep things simple. 

The simpler the workflow the easier it is for work to flow though it. A simple workflow means there are fewer "buckets" for issues to get lost in. Eliminating the extra steps translates into less ambiguity in your workflow. For example, by keeping statuses limited to open and closed, we eliminate the need to file and re-file issues as work progresses. Fewer steps in the workflow means less work. 

It also means there are fewer places to file issues, which means fewer places to lose them. You want to *track* issues after all, not just file them away in some chaotic system where they get lost amidst an overwhelming sea of issues. 

The simpler workflow can sometimes feel inflexible though. The set-in-stone rules don't allow for individuals to make decisions on a case by case basis. And that's the point. You don't want to make decisions on a case by case basis, you want the system to work for every case. The solution then is not to change the system, but to help your team understand the process and use the guidelines you've established to work within the system.

tk example of how "guidelines restore flexibility"

Stick to your system and you'll eliminate two of the biggest productivity roadblock -- uncertainty and doubt. To stick with the statuses example, simply using open and close means no one ever has to worry about the new issue that Jim assigned "super extra high priority" status because that never happened. Priority is established during regular reviews, not assigned through a status message.

tk another example of benefits

Filing bugs and creating new issues might make you feel like something is getting done -- and it is -- but let's not lose site of the endgame -- fixing those issues and shipping better software.

When it comes to issues in software development that means keeping track of all the noise and using regular triaging efforts to file it into simple, discreet and most importantly, fixed number of "buckets". From there your team can then prioritize and get to work.