path: root/travel/exhause-patch-tips.txt
blob: 7f9793e7189ae3586b6ea25ea85bd029ed46672b (plain)
This tape when combined (a must) with Permatex putty does the job for a long time. First, you MUST sand or wire brush the area to be patched. Then (THE SECRET) degrease this area using Acetone, carb cleaner etc. (Cold engine and pipes, don't blow up your car!) Most wire brushes has some oil or grease on them ruining the ability of the putty to stick. Apply the putty and make pretty with a putty knife, then cover the area with tape while the putty is still soft. The tape will work better if you can wrap it all the way around and overlap it a bit keeping it smooth. Let it all sit for a couple hours, start the car and idle for ten minutes, then let it sit overnite. This patch will outlast the rest of the exhaust system if done correctly.

Worked great, I used it along with the cement (Permatex 80335) by cutting an aluminum can to size of the 2" hole in the pipe. Just applied the cement product to the can, placed over hole, wrapped with wire until cured a bit, then wrapped with the tape and more wire. If you ensure you have the red cellophane protective off BOTH sides of this and properly clean the application location with a degreaser (brake cleaner) first it works great. It's very sticky when applying, so it's a bit messy to work with, but if you are attempting this that shouldn't matter because you know what you are in for in that respect. I have no doubt the repaired section will be the strongest part of the pipe. Good stuff, saved me buying a new exhaust for just a hole. Took maybe an hour to fix including prep time along with the cement.