path: root/published
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authorluxagraf <>2018-03-16 16:42:16 -0500
committerluxagraf <>2018-03-16 16:42:16 -0500
commit77751a9139cd27627281dc3d8a4362cc10acfe34 (patch)
tree897912b4a4ae0272f40f9a156509c25c0c4a197d /published
parent0f0dd991dd400df4e1793282b09e7b8fe8c4e180 (diff)
added most recent entries to archive
Diffstat (limited to 'published')
2 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/published/2018-02-21_vermilionville-grand-isle.txt b/published/2018-02-21_vermilionville-grand-isle.txt
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+Just before Mardi Gras we had planned to head up to Lafayette, LA. There was a nice county park there that would have put us walking distance to some of the Mardi Gras things we wanted to do, but on the way there the brakes went out on the bus. I found a shop, put in a new master cylinder, but to accommodate that we ended up staying in Palmetto Island. Not a big deal, but it did mean we missed out on a couple things we wanted to do in Lafayette.
+The main one was visiting [Vermilionville](, so on our way to Grand Isle we swung north to Vermilionville for the morning. Vermilionville is a little bit like [Pioneer Farm near Austin](, except that instead of Texas history, Vermilionville is preserving some of the Cajun and Acadian culture that once dominated the area. There's a bayou, some old bayou-style acadian homes that have been brought here, restored and once again face the bayou.
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-14_125846_vermilionville.jpg" id="image-1161" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-14_125640-1_vermilionville.jpg" id="image-1159" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-14_125737_vermilionville.jpg" id="image-1160" class="picwide caption" />
+The brakes still weren't quite where I wanted them, so I spent a bit of time in the Vermilionville parking lot tinkering, testing and mostly failing and sighing a lot. Eventually I decided to just go for it. We were only planning to go about a hour down the road, to a campsite we'd been told about by someone at Bayou Segnette. It was all highway driving, so the stop and go would be minimal. I made it, but by the time we got to our camp I'd died several times and knew what my problem was -- vacuum leak.
+It was too late to run anywhere for parts so I just parked it in our campsite and took the kids over to the playground. When in doubt it's best to relax and think things over.
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-14_171359_grand-isle.jpg" id="image-1162" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-14_171706_grand-isle.jpg" id="image-1163" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-14_174922_grand-isle.jpg" id="image-1165" class="picwide caption" />
+The next day we set out for Grand Isle. Corrinne and kids went ahead to run some errands along the way while I limped along behind them. I pulled into a Walmart parking lot to see if I could track down the vacuum leak. I ended up spending a few hours under the bus, running around getting some new hoses, failing to find new hoses and just generally failing. I cut down the main rubber hose that connects the engine side to vacuum line running back to the booster, reconnected it. Hit all the connections toward the back with starter fluid, hit the engine connections with WD40 and nothing ever sent the engine revving up or otherwise indicated I'd found the problem.
+By then it was 3 o'clock and we still had a good hour of driving to do so I fired it and when it didn't immediately die, decided that was good enough for the day. Clearly my standards have slipped. At the time I was thinking well, if I have to spend all day under the bus, in the heat, at least I want to be able to jump in the ocean when I'm done, so let's get to Grand Isle and then I'll work on it some more. It was a pretty good plan, except that I didn't anticipate the mosquitoes.
+Grand Isle is a strange little place, one of those places whose heyday is well in time's rearview mirror, but has managed in the mean time to develop a dilapidated charm all its own. Certainly an impressive amount of engineering and roadwork went into making it even possible to get out here. It's way, way out here. From here the next point south is the Yucatan. On the drive out you pass through some gorgeous marshland and get a tour of all the various efforts to stop the effects of rising seas and increasing hurricane frequency.
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-18_104315_grand-isle.jpg" id="image-1172" class="picwide" />
+The first day we were there I ignored the bus and spent the day at the beach like a regular tourist.
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-16_102624_grand-isle.jpg" id="image-1166" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-16_102853_grand-isle.jpg" id="image-1167" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-16_103027_grand-isle.jpg" id="image-1168" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-16_110308_grand-isle.jpg" id="image-1169" class="picwide caption" />
+The next day I got back to work on the vacuum lines. Or rather I work my day job in the morning, waiting for the wind to pick up and then once it did, it drove the mosquitoes away and I could get to work on the bus. The mosquitoes on Grand Isle were the worst we've seen anywhere. They were massive, flew in swarms so thick you could see them coming and seemed totally immune to all the bug repellents we own. At times they made an otherwise quite nice place into a pretty miserable one. Fortunately during the day there was enough of an onshore breeze to drive them away.
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+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-16_170606_grand-isle.jpg" id="image-1170" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-16_173407_grand-isle.jpg" id="image-1171" class="picwide" />
+I started by checking every hose on top of the engine and found a cracked heater hose I'd been avoiding dealing with for some time. When I bent it back to get it out of the way it ruptured and dumped a considerably amount of coolant all over the engine. Fortunately there was plenty of slack in the hose so, after giving the rest of it a thorough inspection, I was able to cut off the bad end and reattach it.
+Then I decided to replace the fuel filter because I'd been meaning to for about 1000 miles now. I started to do that realized one of the small rubber fuel hoses was cracked, so I swapped that out as well. Then I went rhough tightening all the bolts I could find and, by the end of the day, I'd done next to nothing to fix the vacuum leak, but had put in a good few hours of repairs.
+The next day when the breeze kicked in again I got serious and pulled out the entire main vacuum line from engine to rear booster and inspected it thoroughly, finding nothing. However, when I put it back together again I had 20in of pressure and the engine was purring right where I like it to be. Alas, the brakes were still soft and would lock up sometimes, which probably means there's still a vacuum leak in there somewhere. I also knew we needed new shoes, which I wasn't about to do on an island in the middle of nowhere.
+That, combined with the mosquitoes, made the decision easy. We left Grand Isle after three nights. It's a nice place, well worth a visit, but we needed to get to New Orleans.
diff --git a/published/2018-02-28_trapped-inside-song.txt b/published/2018-02-28_trapped-inside-song.txt
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+We limped into New Orleans on a Sunday afternoon. I parked the bus in a camp site at Bayou Segnette, jumped in the car and we headed into the city. No one used the word "brakes". It was a perfect day.
+Somewhere on the drive in we'd crossed over the little line dividing the Gulf air from the lower edge of the jet stream[^1]. On the other side of that line is warmth. So, despite being February, New Orleans was the only way it's ever been in the eight times I've been here, as far as I can tell, the only way it ever is, the way it should be, the way it was meant to be: hot, humid, sweltering. I wouldn't want it any other way.
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-20_141636_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1188" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-20_154547_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1190" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-20_154636-1_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1191" class="picwide" />
+This time around we hit some of our favorite spots, crepes in the French Market, swings and Storyland out at City Park, but we also spent more time in one of my favorite parts of New Orleans, Faubourg Treme.
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-18_145959_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1178" class="picwide caption" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-21_142124_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1193" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-20_131936_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1187" class="picwide caption" />
+I ended up finding a good coffee shop to work at in the heart of Treme. It also served Sno-balls with an absurd amount of syrup on them, which kept the kids on a good sugar high while we wandered the streets.
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-20_144813_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1189" class="picwide" />
+While I was working Corrinne and the kids went to the Children's Museum, which they all said was the best they've ever been to. Good enough that they went back a couple of times.
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+<img src="images/2018/20180221_103209.jpg" id="image-1200" class="cluster picwide caption" />
+I'd be hard pressed to come up with a more kid-friendly city than New Orleans, but then I think our kids may be a bit unusual.
+One day at the campground I was working and Corrinne took the kids to the little playground. There ended up being some other kids there and they were all playing together. I wasn't there but apparently the parents were complaining about how dirty New Orleans was (homeless people! Poop on the street! The horror!) and one of the kids told Lilah she didn't like New Orleans. Later, when they were walking back to the bus Lilah whispered to Corrinne, *I just don't think I could be friends with someone who doesn't like New Orleans*.
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-24_152213_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1196" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-24_145948-2_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1194" class="picwide caption" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-24_151844_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1195" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-24_153451_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1197" class="picwide" />
+While it would have been nice to ignore the brake situation completely, it did need to be dealt with. I got in touch with a shop that said they could do it and drove it over one morning. They got it apart and for the first time I saw the front shoes, and yep, we need new shoes, badly. Unfortunately the shoes are a bit of an oddity and the shop couldn't get a shoe that fit. We ended up sleeping in the bus in the driveway of the shop with one tire off that night. Probably our oddest campsite thus far.
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-21_062821-1_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1192" class="picwide" />
+In the end though, two different shoes were ordered and neither ended up fitting. The next day we limped back to the campground to wait on a third set that was on order, but wouldn't get here for five days. That meant an extra few days in New Orleans, but we've certainly been stranded in far less interesting places. No one was complaining this time.
+We spent more time hanging around the campground this time around. Sometimes it's good to spend a few days doing nothing. I worked, the kids played, we cooked lots of blackend redfish, ate crawfish boudin, and waited out a rainstorm or two. Once I even tricked the kids into letting me take portraits of them.
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-18_165700_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1179" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-26_163708_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1198" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-26_163407_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1199" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-19_065121_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1184" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/IMG_20180223_171840109.jpg" id="image-1206" class="picwide caption" />
+<img src="images/2018/IMG_20180223_121855119.jpg" id="image-1207" class="picwide caption" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-18_165811_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1181" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-18_170006_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1182" class="picwide" />
+<img src="images/2018/2018-02-18_165747_new-orleans.jpg" id="image-1180" class="picwide" />
+At the end of five days of waiting... that shoe didn't fit either. I eventually tracked down shoes for the front, but it'd be another five days to have them shipped down and that would mean missing out on our reservations at Fort Pickens. We decided that, if we stuck to the interstate and avoided the stop and go traffic, it'd be fine. I also had a list of shops in Pensacola that I was pretty sure could help us out.
+After ten days in New Orleans we were ready to move on anyway. It's a lovely city, it'd still be top of our list to move to if we were interested in living in a city. But we're not. Right now we're more interested in discovering what's around the next corner.
+[^1]: Not mentioned in my summary of our planning tools were a couple of weather-related websites. We use [][1] obsessively, or at least I do. Pretty sure my wife has better things to do with her life. But between that site and [the University of Wisconsin's various weather data][2] you can get a pretty definitive understanding of why the weather is what it is where you are and where you need to go to improve it.