path: root/bus-amulet.txt
blob: 27b987870ac3559fb8b7ad6cfd4c0bac2b16f2c7 (plain)
Is there any magic that's particularly helpful for a car? We're trying to keep a beloved classic car going (the Reliant Robin is the best car ever made and I'll fight anyone who says different). :) I've sprayed the outside and inside with hoodoo bath mix, and cleaned out the inside and given it a good vacuum. I think it appreciated it and is running nicely at the moment, but is there anything more that can be done? This type of car has been like our family emblem since the early 90s.

ecosophia: JMG in lecture mode (Default)
From: [personal profile] ecosophia
I had to look up online to find out what a Reliant Robin is. What a charming little car! I'd encourage you to consider a talisman of Mercury, the planet that rules all vehicles; you can select herbs of Merrcury from any book on natural magic (including mine), get a small bag of orange cloth, assemble the amulet on a Wednesday during the hour of Mercury, say a prayer asking the energies of the planet to bless and protect the car, and then put the amulet in some out-of-the-way place inside the car where it can radiate its energies undisturbed.

From: (Anonymous)
Thanks, I'll start gathering the materials. Looking at the list of herbs, I've already got two - lavender and linden - for the sleep amulets I've been making. :) 

Which moon phase will be the best to use?

ecosophia: JMG in lecture mode (Default)
From: [personal profile] ecosophia
Lunar phase doesn't have much relevance to planetary amulets; don't worry about it. If you can, though, see if you can make it while Mercury is in Virgo, which he'll be in from the 30th of this month to the 14th of next month; Mercury both ruled and is exalted in Virgo, so any Mercury working done at that time will be unusually effective.

From: (Anonymous)
That should be good. Would it be appropriate to burn an orange candle for eight minutes during the prayer?

“May God bless you, good lord Mercury, you who are truthful perceptive, intelligent, and the sage and instructor of every kind of writing, arithmetic, computation, and science of heaven and earth! You are a noble lord and temperate in your joys. The lord and sustainer and subtle interpreter of wealth, business, money, and profound perceptions. You are the depositor and significator of prophecy and prophets and their perceptions, reasoning and doctrine, apprehending diverse sciences; of subtlety, intelligence. philosophy. geometry. The sciences of heaven and earth, divination, geomancy and poetry…” Picatrix

 Almond, Anise, Clover, Dandelion, Dill, Hyssop, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lilac, Mace, Peppermint, Rosemary, Vervain.