path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/05.14.07/Mon/rawvista.txt
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-Pro photographers will be happy to know that RAW support in Vista continues to improve. The Microsoft Photoblog has [announced][2] new Camera RAW support for Pentax cameras, but unfortunately the new codecs are only available for the 32 bit version of Vista.
-Camera RAW continues to be something of a mess on all platforms and still lacks a true industry standard, despite Adobe's attempt at one with the DNG format.
-As it stands Adobe and Apple both resort to writing their own codecs, but Microsoft opted to partner with camera manufacturers directly to include the manufacturers' own codecs with Vista.
-The downside to that partnership is that Microsoft has been slow in delivering the codecs for Vista users. Neither Microsoft nor [Pentax][3] offer any information on when components for the 64 bit version of Vista might arrive.
-Given the potential speed boasts for processor hungry image editing programs running on 64 bit Vista, Microsoft's inability to deliver RAW codecs is surprising.
-As it stands, Camera RAW options in Vista [still lag][1] and have numerous [bugs][4], leaving no real reason for photo pros to upgrade.
-[1]: "Vista Issues For Pro Photographers"
-[2]: "Pentax RAW codec released"
-[3]: "PENTAX RAW codec software (for Windows Vista 32 bit)"
-[4]: "Nikon RAW Codec" \ No newline at end of file