path: root/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/05.14.07/Mon
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-The KDE Community has released the first alpha of KDE 4.0 which will gives the popular Linux desktop manager a completely redesigned interface. The initial alpha sees the incorporation of the [Oxygen theme][4], a KDE visual makeover that draws its inspiration from Apple's Mac OS X's Aqua desktop interface, and frankly, looks fantastic.
-But cosmetic changes aside, the real development of [KDE 4][5] is the incorporation of the Qt 4.3 GUI framework, which includes improved OpenGL support, "vastly" improved hardware and multimedia integration and the new Dolphin file manager.
-The KDE announcement says:
->KDE 4.0 Alpha 1 marks the end of the addition of large features to the KDE base libraries and shifts the focus onto integrating those new technologies into applications and the basic desktop. The next few months will be spent on bringing the desktop into shape after two years of frenzied development leaving very little untouched.
-The KDE roadmap calls for a feature freeze by the beginning of June, at which point the initial betas will be available for testing a debugging. The final release of KDE 4.0 is expected in late October 2007.
-KDE 4.0 is an alpha release and as such it may be unstable and is recommended for testing purposes only. For those that would like to give it a shot, there's a [Kubuntu version][1] available for testing, as well as [Gentoo][2] and a live CD based on [OpenSUSE][3].
-[Screenshot from][7]:
-[1]: "KDE 4 Alpha 1"
-[2]: "KDE 4 Alpha 1"
-[3]: "KDE Four Live CD"
-[4]: "Oxygen"
-[5]: "KDE 4.0-alpha1 Release Announcement"
-[6]: "Exploring Dolphin, The KDE 4 File Manager"
-[7]: "KDE 4 Screenshot" \ No newline at end of file
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-The internet was abuzz this weekend about a Fortune article in which Microsoft General Counsel Brad Smith claims that Linux violates 235 patents. Unfortunately for Fortune Microsoft's patent claims are hardly news, this sort of saber rattling has been going on for years and contrary to what the [article states][2], this isn't the first time Microsoft has revealed a specific number.
-As far back as 2004, Microsoft has claimed that Linux violated as many as 228 patents, or as the [BBC reported][3] at the time "at least 228 patents." Fortune's only revelation is that Microsoft claims seven more patent violations in the last five.
-The Fortune story is really just the latest salvo in a long and ongoing battle in which Microsoft seems to recognize that publicly suing Linux over the patents would probably backfire.
-Instead the company has resorted to a campaign of sowing fear uncertainty and doubt in the corporate community in hopes of stemming the relentless growth of open source software in the corporate market.
-But don't look for Microsoft to actually *do* anything about the alleged patent violations, as the drawn out and ultimately unsuccessful SCO suit highlighted, going after Linux is not a business building proposition.
-So why is Microsoft using Fortune to rattle the Linux patent saber? Probably because Novell is thus far the only high profile company Microsoft has bullied into a patent agreement.
-The Free Software Foundation has already made good on its promise to close up the loophole exploited by the Microsoft-Novell deal with version 3 of the GPL, which should take effect in July.
-The FSF argues that because the Microsoft Novell deal has Microsoft selling "coupons" for Novell Linux, the company is in effect a Linux distributor, which means it is bound by the GPL.
-To top off all the rhetoric and FUD, keep in mind that the U.S. Supreme Court has still never really ruled on whether or not software is even patentable, but were Microsoft to pursue Linux with the patent claims, it's possible that the Court might finally have its say in the matter.
-But, when asked by Fortune whether Microsoft is headed for an RIAA-style, sue your users campaign, he responded only, "that's not a bridge we've crossed, and not a bridge I want to cross today on the phone with you."
-[2]: "Microsoft takes on the free world"
-[3]: "Microsoft warns of Linux claims" \ No newline at end of file
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-MySpace announced Friday that is has rolled out a new technology to fight copyright infringement on the site. The new copyright protection system, aptly titled "[Take Down Stay Down][2]," uses technology from [Audible Magic][1] to ensure that content which has already been pulled from MySpace profiles is not re-posted.
-The Audible Magic technology utilized a "digital fingerprint" of the video content and if a user tries to upload a file that has already been banned, MySpace claims the copyright filters will block the upload.
-MySpace hopes the technology will head of a spat of lawsuits that could otherwise threaten the site. YouTube, another video site repeatedly targeted by copyright suits has promised similar filtering mechanisms, but so far has not released anything similar.
-The MySpace system has been in a testing phase since late last year, but friday's announcement is the first site wide attempt at automating a copyright takedown system. And while many content producers are not doubt thrilled, not everyone is happy.
-Because the system lacks a human oversight, the Electronic Frontier Foundation worries that some perfectly legal content may end up blocked as well.
-Corynne McSherry, an Electronic Frontier Foundation attorney [tells CNet][3], "with every form of digital rights management that we've ever seen, it always gets hacked eventually, so I think it's likely that eventually this too will be hacked."
-[1]: "Audible Magic"
-[2]: "MySpace Launches Take Down Stay Down Copyright Protection"
-[3]: "New MySpace copyright tech turns heads, raises brows" \ No newline at end of file
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-The One Laptop per Child project has delivered its first laptops to children Villa Cardal, Uruguay. The normally sleepy town of roughly 2000 people was inundated with national authorities and press to mark the first public deliver of OPLC machines.
-Villa Cardal is a small community with only one school of 150 children so all of the schoolchildren received laptops. For some inside photos of the event, have a look that the [gallery][1] posted by Uruguayan blogger [Pablo Flores][2] who was on hand for the delivery. (the photograph above is from Flores gallery).
-For more information about the OLPC project, check out our [prior coverage][3].
-[3]: "Compiler: Topic OLPC" \ No newline at end of file
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-Pro photographers will be happy to know that RAW support in Vista continues to improve. The Microsoft Photoblog has [announced][2] new Camera RAW support for Pentax cameras, but unfortunately the new codecs are only available for the 32 bit version of Vista.
-Camera RAW continues to be something of a mess on all platforms and still lacks a true industry standard, despite Adobe's attempt at one with the DNG format.
-As it stands Adobe and Apple both resort to writing their own codecs, but Microsoft opted to partner with camera manufacturers directly to include the manufacturers' own codecs with Vista.
-The downside to that partnership is that Microsoft has been slow in delivering the codecs for Vista users. Neither Microsoft nor [Pentax][3] offer any information on when components for the 64 bit version of Vista might arrive.
-Given the potential speed boasts for processor hungry image editing programs running on 64 bit Vista, Microsoft's inability to deliver RAW codecs is surprising.
-As it stands, Camera RAW options in Vista [still lag][1] and have numerous [bugs][4], leaving no real reason for photo pros to upgrade.
-[1]: "Vista Issues For Pro Photographers"
-[2]: "Pentax RAW codec released"
-[3]: "PENTAX RAW codec software (for Windows Vista 32 bit)"
-[4]: "Nikon RAW Codec" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/05.14.07/Mon/yahootravel.txt b/published/Webmonkey/Monkey_Bites/2007/05.14.07/Mon/yahootravel.txt
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-There's nothing like a bright sunny Monday in May to get cubicle jockeys dreaming of a summer vacation. Yahoo has has channeled that impetus to redesign its [Yahoo Travel][1] portal adding some nice new features of those looking to plan a getaway.
-The new Yahoo Travel combines Yahoo FareChase, a low-priced air fares search, with Yahoo Trip Planner, a social network for travelers which helps plan trips and create maps as well as offering options for online journals and photos.
-Most of the new features revolve around user input, such as the new personalized recommendations which are drawn from search history and an browsing activity.
-Yahoo has also added Yahoo Maps integration which features even more recommendations based on both professional and user reviews of local sights, dining and more.
-The most immediately obvious new features is a "Top Picks" selection in the middle of the homepage which highlights popular destinations in your area. Each of the the suggested destinations get an enticing photo and mousing over the photo will reveal tabs that offer quick links to deals, tips, travel guides and currently weather information all without leaving the page you're on.
-Other nice Yahoo service integration for the travel portal include images from Flickr and Q & A data from Yahoo Answers which pulls in common questions related to the destination you're exploring.
-I'll confess I never used to old version of Yahoo travel, so I'm not really in a position to compare the two, but the new Yahoo Travel is a fantastic resource for anyone looking for one-stop-shop information site.
-My only criticism would be that there's so much information at your fingertips that it can be a little bit overwhelming. Fortunately, because the site tracks your browsing history, its pretty easy to get lost in a destination and still be able to pull back and start over without fear of losing the information you've found useful.
-The new Yahoo Travel homepage
-Yahoo Travel destination guide
-A Slideshow of Flickr photos (from a link on the destination guide)
-[1]: "Yahoo Travel" \ No newline at end of file
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