diff options
authorluxagraf <>2016-03-21 20:00:49 -0400
committerluxagraf <>2016-03-21 20:00:49 -0400
commit13bb38f3d529948dc62d8052294a12b0718c4598 (patch)
parent19c0006134b5cb53fb7ed51d8f63490f8f7d1761 (diff)
fixed a bug in the private gallery templates
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/design/templates/details/photo_gallery.html b/design/templates/details/photo_gallery.html
index db8ec87..7e9af15 100644
--- a/design/templates/details/photo_gallery.html
+++ b/design/templates/details/photo_gallery.html
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
<article id="image-{{forloop.counter}}">
<h6><a href="#image-{{forloop.counter}}" class="permalink" title="link to this image">&#8734; {{forloop.counter|number_to_word}} &#8734;</a></h6>
<figure class="fig">
- <a href="{% get_image_by_size photo "original" %}"><img sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw"
- srcset="{% get_image_by_size photo 720 %} 720w,
- {% get_image_by_size photo 1140 %} 1140w,
- {% get_image_by_size photo 2280 %} 2280w,"
- src="{% get_image_by_size photo 1140 %}" alt="{{photo.title}}" {%if photo.is_portait %}class="v"{%endif%} ></a>
+ <a href="{% get_image_by_size photo "original" %}">
+ <img sizes="(max-width: 1140px) 100vw"
+ srcset="{% for size in photo.sizes.all %}{%spaceless%}
+ {% get_image_by_size photo size.width %} {{size.width}}{% if forloop.last%},"{%else%},{%endif%}
+ {% if size.width > 680 and size.width < 2000 %}src="{% get_image_by_size photo size.width %}"{%endif%}{%endspaceless%}{%endfor%} alt="{% if photo.alt %}{{photo.alt}}{%else%}{{photo.title}}{%endif%}" {%if photo.is_portait %}class="v"{%endif%} ></a>
<figcaption class="figcaption">
<div class="caption" id="id-{{}}">
<h3 class="figcaption--title">{{photo.title}}</h3>