path: root/design/templates/base.html
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-11-06moved templates to top level directorylxf
2021-10-29base: brought range back into the main menulxf
2021-10-18bumped stylesheet to v11 and went back to pure CSS.lxf
2021-09-12posts: redirecting old jrnl/feed.xml to feed.xmlluxagraf
2021-09-12general: pulled range from templatesluxagraf
2021-03-21lttr: removed /newsletter/ from the url path.luxagraf
2021-02-22js: eliminated more inline jsluxagraf
2021-02-22html: optimized html and css to decrease load timesluxagraf
2021-01-30lttr: added new design for Range signup page and added to main menuluxagraf
2021-01-15Proj: Massive design overhaul to simplify codeluxagraf
2020-12-20fixed some things with guideslxf
2020-11-15ported jrnl building to postsluxagraf
2020-11-13migrated jrnl to posts, fixed some bugs in pages build, RSS feed, andluxagraf
2020-11-12took guides out of main menu for nowluxagraf
2020-08-06added builder for src and guides via postsluxagraf
2020-08-06updated to Django 3.1luxagraf
2020-07-26two performace optimizationsluxagraf
2020-01-27abstracted breadcrumbs into seperate templateluxagraf
2019-12-24added disclaimer to book pagesluxagraf
2019-10-07added new posts stuff and changed name of src postsluxagraf
2019-10-06updated matomo code to worklxf
2019-09-14Merge branch 'master' of ssh://luxgit/luxagraf/luxagraf.netlxf
2019-09-14added matomo back to all pageslxf
2019-09-14Worked on guides, moved some templates to app/dirluxagraf
2019-05-05removed src from top menuluxagraf
2019-04-13fixed missing manifest fileluxagraf
2019-04-13fixed bug in fathom js script codeluxagraf
2019-04-13added fathom analyticsluxagraf
2019-04-12fixed favicon linkluxagraf
2019-04-13changed service worker scriptlxf
2019-04-11added h-entry u-photo to notes templateluxagraf
2019-04-09added print stylesheetluxagraf
2019-03-22removed all optimizations since they made page slowerluxagraf
2019-03-22removed fontfaceluxagraf
2019-03-22added font definitions to inline stylesluxagraf
2019-03-22added rest of fonts to preloadluxagraf
2019-03-22added preload for one fontluxagraf
2019-03-22added preload for images.luxagraf.netluxagraf
2019-03-15added related items complete with template and stylesluxagraf
2019-03-13tweaked header to no longer use h1/h2, updated stylesluxagraf
2019-03-12moved old sass files, redid comment form stylesluxagraf
2019-03-07added src to main siteluxagraf
2019-03-07added src to main siteluxagraf
2019-03-02changed newsletter urlluxagraf
2019-02-12Gave the newsletter top billingluxagraf
2019-02-07updated stylesheets and added essaysluxagraf
2019-02-01redid jrnl to speed things up and use less memoryluxagraf
2018-11-29added service worker to luxagrafluxagraf
2018-10-25changed librepay to not load anything, styled paypal buttonluxagraf
2018-10-25pulled stats from base template, fix layout bug in comments templatesluxagraf